Welcome to the new home of the PACIFIC HEALTH DIALOG. We are OPEN ACCESS. About PHD

Conventions of Open Access are:

  • The articles and Journal are free to readers
  • Authors retain copyright
  • Authors pay a fee to publish

It is with pleasure to welcome new members of the Editorial Board as confirmed by the PMA Board.

Mr Jitoko Cama, Paediatric Surgeon, Hon Senior Senior Clinical Lecturer, University of Auckland

Dr Kiki Maoate, President Pasifika Medical Association, Associate Dean Pacific, University of Otago

Dr Rosaline Richards,  Senior Research Fellow, Department of Preventive and Social Medicine, University of Otago.

Assoc Professor Faafetai Sopoaga, Associate Dean Pacific, Division of Health Science, University of Otago

Dr El-Shadan Tautolo, Director Pacific Islands Family Study, Auckland University of Technology

Dr Jemaima Tiatia-Seath, Senior Lecturer, School of Maori and Pacific Studies, University of Auckland

We will be incorporating more Board members for the interest of balance of skills, knowledge, and experience in research.

We also plan to have corresponding authors from major institutions in the Pacific and Pacific-rim countries.

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We aim to share our health evidence and stories and most of Pacific history were disseminated through the best of oral traditions - in stories shared around the kava bowl, in poetry and in song.

Health gain is usually through a people inspired for change. inspiration.  Nothing is out of bounds as long as it relates to promoting the health research,

Let us inspire colleagues and communities by recounting evidence and health messages in new ways. Let us be the change.

Enjoy the link to VoicePlay with their version of Moana


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The Pacific Health Dialog presents it's 21st Volume (11th Issue), in collaboration with Moana Connect. Titled:"Shaping a Brighter Future for our Children", this special edition explores a variety of health issues related to our Pacific children, youth and adolescents, and parents.  


Original Research

A Protocol for co-designing an Early Childhood Development screening programme to improve outcomes for Pacific children in Aotearoa, New Zealand.

Teuila Percival, El-Shadan Tautolo, Mele Taumoepeau, Rae Si'ilata, Jeanne Teisina, Vivian Pole, Brittany Newport, Maria To'omata, Mary Roberts, Faletoese Asafo, Lois Chu Ling, Dudley Gentles, Jacinta Fa'alili-Fidow

Literature Reviews

Pacific Maternal and Paternal perinatal mental health in New Zealand- A literature review

Ruby Tuesday, Seini Taufa, Dantzel Tiakia, Nalei Taufa, Dudley Gentles, Jacinta Fa'alili-Fidow

Conference Proceedings

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