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Veisinia Pulu Iemaima Tiatia-Sheath Barry Borman Ridvan` Firestone


Co-design is a relatively new method employed in public health-based interventions to identify problems, generate and implement solutions through harnessing knowledge and creativity of citizens and staff . Researchers use different co-design steps in the design and implementation of intervention programmes. The co-design approach has been successfully used in redesigning health care services to fit the needs of the consumers and has extended to develop health interventions for communities . In New Zealand, co-design methods have been used to develop health interventions among minority and indigenous groups. Previous research highlighted that co-design fits well when collaborating with these groups as it allows tool redevelopments and re-fining based on the socio-cultural needs of participants. This method captures and understands the needs of the Tongan community, as well as foster expression, reflection, and sharing to inform the development of the intervention. The generation of discussion in co-design aligns with the indigenous knowledge of systems, creation stories and oral stories which provide a culturally empowering way to generate discussion and insights from Tongan communities.

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How to Cite

Investigating principles that underlie frameworks for Pacific health research using a co-design approach: learnings from a Tongan community based project . (2021). Pacific Health Dialog, 21(7), 399-406.