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The Health of the Hawaiians

Senior Editor: Earl Hishinuma

Steering committee:
Kim Ku‘ulei Birnie, Kekuni Blaisdell, M.D., Satoru Izutsu, Ph.D., Mele Look, M.B.A., JoAnn Tsark, M.P.H., Benjamin B. C. Young, M.D.

Project Manager: Nanette Napoleon Purnell, B.A.
Project Assistants: Stephanie Nishimura, M.S.W.,  Diane Okinaga, M.B.A., Alison Ciszek
Secretary:Kathy Tanaka
PHD. 2001. Sep. Vol. 8 #2
Title Author(s) pages

Guest Editorial
Edwin Cadman 243
Gladys ‘Ainoa Brandt 244-245

Acknowledgements for this PHD 246

Ha‘i Ka Mo‘olelo Ola: new developments in Native Hawaiian health Benjamin Young, Hardy Spoehr 247-248

Original Papers
Sociocultural and community factors influencing the use of Native Hawaiian healers and healing practices among adolescents in Hawai‘i Cathy K. Bell, Deborah A. Goebert, Robin H. Miyamoto, Earl S. Hishinuma, Naleen N. Andrade, Ronald C. Johnson, John F. McDermott, Jr. 249-259
Hawaiian health practitioners in contemporary society Healani K. Chang 260-273
Health care utilization among women on O‘ahu: implications for Native Hawaiian women H. Kaleleonälani Blaisdell-Brennan, Deborah Goebert 274-279
Ten-year changes in breast cancer knowledge, attitudes, and practices in Native Hawaiian women JoAnn Umilani Tsark, Kathryn L. Braun 280-289
Treatment adherence to an antiretroviral regime: the lived experience of Native Hawaiians and kökua Lana Ka‘opua 290-298
Ka mauli o ka ‘Äina a he mauli känaka: an ethnographic study from an Hawaiian sense of place Mary Frances Mailelauli‘i Oneha 299-311
Native Hawaiian physician location and service to the underserved in Hawai‘i ‘Iwalani Else 312-321
A profile of Hawaiians in the Medicaid Fee-For-Service program Matthew Loke, Kathleen T. Kang-Kaulupali, Lynette Honbo 322-326
Eo na Mähü o Hawai‘i: the extraordinary health needs of Hawai‘i’s Mähü Carol Odo, Ashliana Hawelu 327-334

Case Studies and Short Communications
Kava as an anticraving agent: preliminary data Gregory Gene Steiner 335-339

Review Papers
Ethnic health data in Hawai‘i: describing the databases Henry M. Ichiho, Claire Hughes 340-352

Hawai‘i’s first medical school O.A. Bushnell 353-363

Viewpoints and Perspectives
Genetic research and the vulnerability of Native Hawaiians Rae Mei-Ling Chang, Philip H. Lowenthal 364-367
A call for respect and equality for indigenous scholarship in Hawaiian health Bud Pömaika‘i Cook 368-374
Reflections of a Native Hawaiian physician: Hawaiian cultural values in Western medical practice Momi E. Ka‘ano‘i 375-379
Herbal medicine on the rise: the case of ‘awa Harriet Makia Awana O’Sullivan, Kehaulani Lum 380-387
Cultural competence: a proposal for physicians reaching out to Native Hawaiian patients Neal A. Palafox, Lee Buenconsejo-Lum, Momi Ka‘ano‘i, Seiji Yamada 388-392

Uli‘eo Koa Program Reports
Overview: Uli‘eo Koa – Warrior Preparedness 393
Uli‘eo Koa: Warrior Preparedness Claire K. Hughes 393-400
Uli‘eo Koa program: incorporating a traditional Hawaiian dietary component Jodi Haunani Leslie 401-406
Validating a measure of religiousness/spirituality for Native Hawaiians Noreen Mokuau, Earl Hishinuma, Stephanie Nishimura 407-416

Conference Papers
O Ke Aloha Ka Mea I Ho‘ola ‘Ai - Compassion is the Healer: an indigenous peoples healing conference. October 2000, Hawai’i Kawaikapuokalani Hewett, Cecelia Alailima, Kawahine Kamakea-Ohelo, Kawena Mann 417-422
Utilizing cultural immersion in a cultural competency curriculum: a conference report Martina L. Kamaka, Noa Emmett Aluli 423-428
Treating And Counseling People Of Colour Conference: a Native Hawaiian perspective Pua‘alaokalani Aiu, Mari Ono, Paula-Ann Burgess, Celia Takahashi, Cheryl Kameoka 429-433
5th International Conference on Diabetes and Indigenous Peoples. Christchurch, New Zealand. Oct 2000 Audrey Young 434-435

Pacific Health Institutions
‘Imi Hale: establishing an inheritance for Native Hawaiians on cancer awareness, research and training LorrieAnn Santos, Noreen Mokuau, Lehua Abrigo, Kathryn L. Braun, JoAnn U. Tsark, Gayle Mackura, Rie Kuhaulua, Clayton D.K. Chong 436-445
Imi Ho‘ola post-Baccalaureate program: recruitment, retention, and graduation of Asian American and Pacific Islander students in medicine Nanette L. Kapulani Mossman Judd, Patrice Ming-Lei Tim Sing 446-449
The Native Hawaiian Health Professions Scholarship program’s impact on the community of Ko‘olau Loa: a program report Kehau Santiago, Michele Shimizu, Stephany Nihipali Vaioleti 450-452
Lunalilo Home reopens Satoru Izutsu, Nanette Napoleon Purnell 453-454

Book commentaries
Emma: Hawai‘i’s Remarkable Queen. George S. Kanahele Terence Rogers 455-457
Plants in Hawaiian Medicine. Beatrice Krauss Frank Tabrah 457
Ka Lama Kukui: Hawaiian Psychology: An Introduction. William Rezentes Patrick DeLeon 458-459
Leper Priest of Moloka‘i: The Father Damien Story. Richard Stewart Bert Lim ,Dean Alexander 459-461

A tribute to O. A. Bushnell Benjamin B.C. Young 462-463
A tribute to “Papa” Henry Allen Auwae Babette Galang 464

A glossary of Hawaiian words 465-467

PHD Editor 468