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Health in Fiji and the Pacific

PHD. 1999. Mar. Vol. 6 #1









Issue Editors: Dr Jan Pryor & Dr. Sitaleki Finau

Title Author(s) pages

Guest Editorials
Medical education in the Pacific: where have we been and where are we heading? Jim Samisoni 004-007
Are cervical cancer screening programmes feasible in the Pacific? Wame R. Baravilala

Original Papers
Collaborative research on breastfeeding in Fiji: narrowing the gap between research and practice Judi Aubel, Diane Tukana, Mereanai Tui Odra, Nirmala Nand, Michel Fong, Kiran Naidu, Penina Vatucawaqa


An evaluation of the Fiji national drugs policy Abdul Azam 018-029
Diet of children in urban and rural Fiji Sinead Katherine Kado 030-034
Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy in Samoa and a changed protocol for peptic ulcer Katrina Watson, Mafu Asaua, Stanley Dean 035-038
Diabetes in the indigenous population of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands A. Mark Durand, Joyce Bourne, David Tuohey-Mote, K. David Khorram, Isamu J. Abraham 039-044
Smoking attributable mortality among the indigenous population of the Mariana Islands Mara B. Khorram, Jon B. Bruss 045-051
Alcohol related injuries in Yap Ayesha Adelbai Ravia 052-056
Foods most frequently consumed by fifth grade children on Guam Rebecca S. Pobocik, Jennifer J. Richer, Barbara K. O’Donnel 057-064
Obesity in Samoans: a practice–based naturalistic inquiry Seiji Yamada 065-070

Case Studies and Short Communications
Sexual health in a Pacific campus: a peer education approach Jean Wright, Laisiasa Wainikesa, Mark Van Ommeren 071-073
Sexual health in a Pacific campus: a pilot evaluation of a peer education approach. Jean Wright, Laisiasa Wainikesa, Mark Van Ommeren 074-076

Review Papers
Wound healing herbs of the Pacific Subramaniam Sotheeswaran, Sudhara Sotheeswaran 077-079
Housing status and health implications for Pacific peoples in New Zealand Kiri Milne, Robin Kearns 080-086
Ola malolo ola Whiawhia: housing and health in Wellington Tokelau households Gina Pene, Philippa Howden–Chapman,  Julian Crane, Robyn Green, Loi Iupati, Ian Prior, Ioane Teao 087-092
Societal and health aspects of psychoactive drug abuse in Papua New Guinea Paul C.Y. Chen, Felix Y.A. Johnson, Tukutau Taufa 093-100

Reprint Papers
Management of ciguatera fish poisoning in the South Pacific Paul Dalzell 101-108

Viewpoints and Perspectives
Tobacco, lies and children: a Fiji perspective Litea Meo, David Phillips 109-111
Staking out the middle range between the macro– and micro–disease in the social structure Lawrence Hammar 112-121
Conceptions of depression: a Hawaiian perspective Kamana’opono M. Crabbe 122-126

Pacific Health Institutions
Public health surveillance in the Pacific: using EpiInfo for an information system Birute Foster, Tom Kiedrzynski 127-131
The Pacific Islands Association of Libraries and Archives (PIALA) Arlene Cohen 132-000

Book Reviews
Typhoid Mary – Captive to the Public’s Health.  Judith Walzer Leavitt Reviewer:  Greg Dever 000-000

Journal Abstracts   000-000

Letters to the Editor   000-000

PHD Editor S A Finau 000-000